The Webmaster acknowledges and appreciates visits from concerned individuals at the following military bases and government agencies:

AF Academy, CO Altus AFB. OK Andrews AFB, MD Barksdale AFB, LA
Beale AFB, CA

Ft Benning , GA

Ft Benj Harrison, IN

Ft Bliss, TX

Bolling AFB, DC

Ft Bragg, NC

Brooks AFB, TX Ft Campbell, KY Cannon AFB, NM Ft Carson, CO Charleston AFB, SC
Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ (AIA Related) Dover AFB, DE Dyess AFB, TX Eglin AFB, FL Ellsworth AFB, SD

Fairchild AFB, WA

Goodfellow AFB, TX

Ft Gordon , GA

Grand Forks AFB, ND

Hill AFB, UT

Ft Hood, TX

Holloman AFB, NM

Ft Huachuca, AZ

Hurlburt Field, FL


Kelly AFB, TX

Lackland AFB, TX

Laughlin AFB, TX

Luke AFB, AZ

MacDill AFB, FL

Maxwell AFB, AL (Lots of Hits from the AFLSA)

McGuire AFB, NJ

Ft McPherson, GA

Ft Meyer, VA

Minot AFB, ND

NAS Norfolk, VA Nellis AFB, NV   Offutt AFB, NE   Pensacola NAS, FL  

Pentagon, Washington, DC (lots of servers)

Peterson AFB, CO

Ft Rucker, AL

Ft Sam Houston, TX

Scott AFB, IL


Sheppard AFB, TX

Tinker AFB, OK

Travis AFB, CA

Vandenberg AFB, CA

White Sands, NM

Wright-Pat AFB, OH

Ft Meade, MD

Misawa AB, Japan

Kadena AB, Japan

Mildenhall AB , UK

USF-xxx, Alice Springs, Australia

Alamorgordo, NM

USNA Annapolis, MD

NCSC Dahlgren, VA

National Guard Bureau

Yokota AB, Japan

United States Senate

Joint Chiefs of Staff  (JCS)

Ft Meade MD

* Listed as the MD Procurement Office

CENTCOM - VARIOUS EUCOM - Vaihingen, GE & other locations Army, Mannheim, GE Army, Frankfurt, GE


PAC ARMY Army Kuwait Elmendorf AFB, AK Ramstein AB, GE Tyndall AFB, FL
Randolph AFB, TX Keesler AFB, MS Moody AFB, GA Langley AFB, VA Kunia AB, HI
Mountain Home AFB, ID

Swedish Television  
Capt amErika on TV

Aviano AB, Italy Naples, Italy Menwith Hill, UK
Moffett NAS, CA Ft Levenworth, KS Ft Eustis, VA  HQ USMC, DC Buckley AFB, CO
Fort Belvoir, VA, NVL, CETA, DISA,  others  Ft Monmouth, NJ Yokota AB, JA Patuxent River, MD NOC Quantico, VA
Pacific Fleet, HI FAA American Forces Information Service Clark AB, PI MCB Camp Butler, Okinawa, Japan
Army, Taszar, Hungary  Eielson AFB, AK Prince Sultan AB Saudi Arabia HQ Naval Security Group Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Naval War College USMC 29 Palms, CA Lakenheath AB, UK Andersen AB, Guam Hickam AFB, HI
USMA, West Point NAS Pt Mugu, CA Army Darmstadt, GE Army Heidelberg, GE Ft Shafter, HI
AFROTC DET         Texas A&M AFROTC DET       Univ of MD AFROTC DET         Univ of TX Austin AFROTC DET          San Angelo State Univ AFROTC DET         Univ of KY
AFROTC DET            Univ of GA AFROTC DET       LSU AFROTC DET         Univ of NE Lincoln AFROTC DET          Univ of AZ AFROTC DET         Univ of NM
AFROTC DET VMI AFROTC DET Univ Nebraska, Omaha Air Force Reserve Command SFOR Sarajevo, BiH JTF-180  Bagram Afghanistan
Schriever AFB, CO AFROTC DET Virginia Tech United States Department of State Social Security Administration Army - Qatar
National Imagery and Mapping Agency National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration AFROTC DET - MIT AFROTC DET UCONN AFROTC DET Wocester Polytechnic Institute
AFROTC DET Embry-Riddle Univ, FL LtCol Troy A. Hithe, 70th IW Ft Meade, MD (NSA)  Ft Sam Houston, TX Navy - TACAMO Navy - Coastal Systems Station, Panama City, FL
Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Naval Support Activity, Naples, IT Onizuka AS, CA NASA USCG Finance Center, Topeka, KS
Camp Liberty
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Army Vicenza, IT Warner-Robbins AFB, GA United States House of Representatives
Hon. Lamar Smith
121st Dist TX
Yongsan, Korea SHAPE Belgium Shaw AFB, SC   Navy - Diego Garcia Edwards AFB, CA
Army Baumholder, GE Ft Monmouth, NJ Air Intelligence Agency 1st Air Force Canadian Forces
67th Info Ops Wing Lackland AFB, TX 67th Info Ops Gp Lackland AFB, TX

Lackland AFB, TX

AFPC          Randolph AFB, TX James Poss
70th Intel Wing
Fort Meade, MD
Australia: Ministry of Defence

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)


Department of Justice

Odenton Maryland

This is not a complete list. 

*  NSA is not happy with the publication of these IP addresses. 

The IP addresses on this page will be removed if NSA simply makes the request.  The information was not "secret"  and was provided by the free contact with this site.  (The request needs to be made politely to the webmaster, not via the FBI breaking down the door and demanding the files.)  Seems NSA thought I wouldn't notice the absence of those hits from the log files of the site tracker.  No contact?  Guess the IPs  needs to be distributed further.  The Dutch, Arabic, and Chinese newsgroups look like the best start.

Naturally, Captain amErika should be discontinued as an employee of NSA.  Many others in service to the country couldn't trust her, it is very distasteful to find she has retained "a position of trust" despite the military "non-judicial punishment" she received. Captain amErika is not very smart, so she must have been accepted into "the club" despite her shortcomings.  The Air Force pushed her into the Reserve to forget about her.  Did the former director make her a special case when she was hired?  (A blow-job at the right time will do wonders.)  Did Jack E. Griffith, an NSA analyst, make a special plea?  (He coaxed the cunt, Captain amErika, to leave her husband.) 

There have been no further hits from NSA servers.  However, there has been a tremendous surge in the hits by servers in Maryland locations close to NSA; many on Fort Meade from the housing area.

         And the problem remains, what will NSA do?

Contact the webmaster.

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